Beginning of a Blog

My goal is to create the world’s best training program for wrestlers. I have proved, time and time again that I am capable of training athletes from great athletes, into the world’s best athletes. This past year, I helped Team China, increase their Olympic Roster from 3 athletes, to 12. In the course of 3 months, I was able to triple their Olympic team and improve their chances of getting a medal. Through this experience, I have been writing notes here and there about my observations. Some go deep, others are merely notes. But these notes have bits that I believe are worth sharing. So this blog is now a means of publication for these observations.

Every night, I spend an hour writing. In my journal, articles for discussion, and just trains of thought. I’ve not thought much about what to do with all the information. Many secrets have been stored in my notebook about training methods and observations. Some worth telling, many worth keeping. But, I believe If I begin speaking about what I have learned, I can help people train much better. This is my attempt to begin this with the platform of my website. As I continue to post, I desire my ability to communicate to improve so I can facilitate the goal of creating and training world-class wrestlers and athletes.

Thank you,

Coach Morgan